Magazine March 2010

All the latest news from the world of textiles

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I invite you to discover what motivates brands, and to feel the pulse of development in textile production - along the entire value-added chain. From now on, our Online Newsletter will be keeping you up to date several times a year with important topics, trends and innovations. Discover the world of Groz-Beckert - there's no better time to do so!

With the Groz-Beckert Online Newsletter we look forward to presenting you with regular information regarding everything about textile production methods. Find out about the latest data, facts and innovations from Groz-Beckert, and about the company's new Technology and Development Centre (TEZ). You can also look forward to well-founded background information directly from individual product sectors. As the world's leading provider of precision parts, systems and services for the most diverse textile production methods, we have a special objective with this offer: it involves far more than a presentation of our product portfolio or of changes inside the company. The aim is to make the Online Newsletter an appealing 'digital read' for numerous branches of industry right across the textiles sector, stimulating discussions and broadening horizons. After all, one of the nicest aspects of the textiles industry is its diversity.

Broad Bandwidth – One Objective

Groz-Beckert is at home with this diversity. It is shaped by around 6,300 employees worldwide, and finds its expression in all of 70,000 products for various different textile production methods. Just as our portfolio fulfils specific requirements, the Online Newsletter will also be tailored to the needs of its target groups.
It is important to us that there is a broad assortment of individual articles and reports. After all, machine producers and users have very different interests, depending on their core business and the market situation. High-volume yet economical production may be very important to one company, while another may be seeking innovative production methods to realize visionary ideas. The possible scenarios cover all areas of our daily lives: from geotextiles, which transform deserts into fertile soils, to technical textiles, which in the near future will be opening up new and strange worlds for humanity. Impressive projects like these lie at the heart of our new advertising campaign. Despite all the differences and individual preferences, one intention unites and combines everything: together with its customers, Groz-Beckert aims to fashion the future of textiles - and this is precisely where the Online Newsletter will be providing valuable and stimulating momentum.

The Technology and Development Centre (TEZ)

A sound basis for training, improved transparency and communication, synergies and syntheses - the Technology and Development Centre (TEZ) at the company's headquarters in Albstadt is also providing dynamic momentum. The official opening is already planned for July of this year. Altogether around 25,000 square metres of useful space will be available - more than enough room for the development of new products. And more besides, because we see ourselves as a universal partner to our customers along the entire textile value-added chain. The objective is to extend our offering through effective services.

The first successful examples of this already exist - one such is Groz-Beckert Laboratory Services. Its focus is the textiles industry. Today innovative laboratory services are already in demand in other sectors, too, such as medical technology or forming technology; this is impressive proof of their success. The laboratories, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, not only represent independent research - to the same degree they also enable economically viable solutions which quickly pay dividends in practical application.

Groz-Beckert is committed to sustainability

Furthermore we have committed ourselves to a topic that is of crucial importance to the future: the concept of sustainability. Many of our production plants are environmentally certified. In the manufacture of our products we invest worldwide to a large degree in safety and environmental compatibility. The overriding motto is "The Green Needle", as described in detail in Technical Information Sheet "Sewing 22". Here of course we are broadening our horizons and supporting select environmental projects such as DHL Go Green. Our commitment is also noticed and appreciated by the general public. On April 29, 2010 we came third in the KYOCERA Environmental Awards for the litespeed® project. You'll find more details about it in this Online Newsletter. What topics occupy you the most? Do you have any stimulating ideas for future newsletters? Your opinion is important to us. We welcome any praise or criticism from you, and look forward to a shared dialogue.