The textile world at a glance: From change to networking
Demand is huge and the range on offer is growing: Hightech textiles are in demand and successful all over the world. In contrast to the significantly younger sister technology of smart textiles, hightech textiles already have a long tradition: There is evidence to show that natural material has been in use in earthworks since the times before Christ. The latest developments in this field, hightech and technical textiles, are also exciting and are becoming established beyond their previous application fields, including in the casual wear sector.
In addition to innovative materials and production technology, factors such as lean production and Industry 4.0 are also becoming ever more important in the textile sector. This means that processes can fade into the background, creating space for creativity and investment. A trend that Groz-Beckert is not only following, but also actively shaping, while also setting new standards.
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Hightech textiles
We are familiar with them from reports in parts of the world where the geological conditions pose challenges for the people who live there: Hightech textiles help people to survive all over the world. They collect dew as drinking water or provide protection to enable food to be grown throughout the year. The key to developing innovations like these is the approach, as the necessary resources are often already available. The clothing industry has also made use of this concept. Read about how the barefoot factor has established knitted fabric in the world of shoes.
In other areas, hightech textiles work 'below the surface'. Almost unnoticed, woven fabrics carry out basic tasks and help to keep us safe: In cars, in aircraft, as well as geotextile safety works. In these areas, outstanding performance and high woven fabric production are the key to thriving against the competition – discover the advantages of PosiLeno® in this magazine.
The stabilisation and reinforcement of earthworks with natural materials can actually be traced back to a millennia B.C. Driven by global urbanisation, geotextiles are also playing an ever more important role in the field of felting. In order to optimally support its customers in this process, Groz-Beckert carries out different basic analyses. The series of tests outlined in this magazine shows the impact of the working part geometry of felting needles on the physical textile properties of geononwovens.
Textile 4.0
In times when innovations secure economic survival, progress is essential. Another reason for Groz-Beckert to broaden its horizons and include not only the products but also the processes involved in textile production. We are therefore delighted to be able to present our tufting customers with a new online product catalog in time for Domotex 2018. Are you eager to find out what new functions the catalog offers? Find out more in this magazine or register directly online and embark on a voyage of discovery.
They have also long been part of the clothing industry: Lean production and Industry 4.0 are becoming ever more important for achieving efficient and simple production methods. Groz-Beckert's INH (Ideal Needle Handling) quality management goes one step further and, with Smart INH, presents the answer to the questions of digitization in the sewing process. We will present the concept and its patented software components in this magazine.
Upwards trend: Spinning industry
The increasing demand for staple fiber yarns is driving up worldwide fiber consumption. There is currently no end to this trend in sight. Quite the opposite: In addition to processing cotton fibers, synthetic fibers like polyester or rayon are also playing an ever more important role. Groz-Beckert is always at your side in this process – with clothing, services and knowledge relating to all aspects of short and long staple fiber spinning. Read more in this magazine.
Have fun reading and we hope you enjoy our exciting reports.