Focus on the textile world: from desert to wool
The wheel doesn't need to be constantly reinvented, but something can always be further improved. That is the philosophy behind daily success in all sectors, and when it comes to such questions Groz-Beckert is a successful supporter of the textile industry. Whether that involves the significant improvement of methods for harvesting water, making weaving more efficient via lighter and yet even more robust heald frames, using high-performance tufting gauge parts for securing quality and output in carpet production, or successfully producing decorative seams over decades with high-quality needles: As a partner along the textile value chain, Groz-Beckert contributes a great deal to daily successes like these. You can find out more in this edition of the Newsletter.
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Water is not only the source of all life, but also an increasingly scarce resource. The fact that knitted structures can help to harvest water even in locations where it is available only in the form of fog makes it clear just how far-ranging today's technical textiles have become. However, the production of textiles is not only a constantly new challenge from a technological perspective – it also has to be economically efficient. The fact that this succeeds with the help of Groz-Beckert products and their outstanding characteristics is clearly demonstrated by the portrait of the German fabric manufacturing group IBENA.
Expertise and economic efficiency also play a key role in tufting. As in all other areas of manufacturing, systematic thinking is crucial to achieve minimal wear and scrap and as much output as possible. Perfectly matched components from Groz-Beckert are the ideal prerequisite here. That also applies to the processing of natural fibers, which, thanks to a reorientation in the past few years, are in high demand once again. Natural fibers have now regained commercial importance in sectors that have recently been made accessible by new methods of treatment for these often tricky natural materials.
For high-quality textiles, classic hand-sewing is still one of the most sought-after quality features. The decorative look of hand-sewn seams can also be achieved by machines, however – as proven over decades by the sewing machine specialist AMF Reece, whose portfolio is also presented in this issue.
As you can see, the industry is continuing to expand its borders, thanks to its wealth of ideas. In view of the global structures in the textile industry, innovation is an absolute must for ongoing success in today's market – and Groz-Beckert is at its customers' side with powerful and trendsetting products.